Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Crown Molding and perfume bottles

My crown molding came in the mail!! Here's a picture of my carpenter making his cuts. And here the crown molding has been painted and installed. It makes all the difference!!
This is my first time making perfume bottles. It couldn't be any easier!! Take some pretty beads, glue them ontop of each other....and you have a perfume bottle!!
This is a picture of the other side of the tray


  1. Hi, Katie! Nice to meet you, also! Thank you for visiting my little blog and I'll add you to my list of links when I can. We're getting away for a few days so i'm having to play catch up at work, home, pack, etc.. I love your Frodo's door!!!!! When I get time, I'll look through your blog more! And yes, it was my first cat and I'm pretty pleased with it although it doesn't hold a candle to Kerri Pajutee's beauties.

  2. those perfume bottles are beautiful they look so real. I always knew you were talented wuv ya

  3. I love those little perfume bottles! What kind of glue did you use? Please email me at if you get time. I would love to hear how you made them. I have a giant supply of beads!
