Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I'm still here...

Meet Pocus~ thought this was too cute not to share!

OK.....I'm still here, it's just been a rough weekend. I have been able to get a few things done, but I still have a long way to go. The more I do, the more I think about adding. Gees....I started with a simple roombox for a reason, and now I have a little house?!?! I set my room up for one last time, took a picture so I can remember what I still need to do, and then packed everything away. Lets see if I can stay out of the box until I get the outside of my house done?!?!

My daughter and I went to the dollhouse store this weekend, and would believe that I walked out of the house without any money. Luckily I had $20 hiding in my car for an emergency, so it wasn't a complete waste of a drive. I picked up these flowers.......OK, I must admit~ I am addicted to these little flowers!!

And I have done a little more of the wood work. I still have a lot to do, and find myself straying off, often! But, it has to be finished before I can do anything else. So, I guess I know what I'll be doing this week.
Here is a picture of where I'm at with the bed. The first picture was my first attempt. In my head, it looked great, but when I got it on the bed~ it just didn't work. So I had to actually cut away some of the wood underneath the bed to get the lace to line up right. Yeah, I was trying to cheat the first time around. I also sanded the bed to give it that aged look. As you can see I still have to glue the top down.....and make pillows~ lots of pillows!!!

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