Wednesday, August 6, 2008

My 2 do list is getting bigger by the minute..


***Ana...Thank-you for all the paperdolls you sent me.....I still can't believe you sent me that many! That's Great!!! ~I've tried to email you to Thank You, and it failed to go through. Thanks again!!!

Cora's doll's will get their own paper dolls......

You'll have to wait and see if I get brave enough to try and cut a few out......

.......this cat is always good for a laugh.....he's napping in the living room again!! Haha

................and last but not least...I will be back in a little while with a tutorial on how to make the blankets......

1 comment:

  1. Your cat have already a fan club in Portugal, some friends of mine, including my younger sister, all cat lovers saw the photos, and they just couldn´t believe....LOL
    I am glad you like the paer dolls, some are just so cute...may be your daughter is in the age of loving princess, and fairs...

    PS:Now I am going to my working room,cleaning all that stuff and dust, I have just arrived from work
