I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help here, Casey.....for I have no clue where I got these. It's possible I got them out of the scrap booking section at either Michael's or AC Moore's. You can see what I have left of the bottles in the upper left corner of the picture. Thought if I showed you a picture of the 'set' I bought, you might have a better idea as to what to look for. Oh, and I made the tops outta polymer clay. I made them in the top of the bottle, then carefully plucked them out, and cooked them. (Actually, I put them in the freezer to get rock hard~ makes clay really stiff, really fast!)
Here's another picture of them....... 
*And Debbie.....I would of never thought of cutting out a bib.....duh! Thanks for pointing that out to me!!!
*And Debbie.....I would of never thought of cutting out a bib.....duh! Thanks for pointing that out to me!!!
Katie like those little wooden clock faces. Are they from your Scrap book stash?