Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Little Bit about me.....

About eight years ago, I filled for Bankruptcy......mainly due to medical debt......but at the time, I also have several credit cards. Anyways, when I filled Bankruptcy, I also cut up all my credit cards, And vowed never to have any again................

Well, now.....It's sucks! I see so many things online that I want.........and there's no way to buy them unless you use a credit card or Pay Pal account (in which you have to have a credit card for, too!) When did we become so unfriendly to cash.. You would think that with the current economy, Cash would be welcome! I wish more online stores did orders by mail. I have no problem getting a money order.....if you don't have a problem accepting it.

But, then again.......they're is an upside to this. I'm not in credit card debt.....I can't go impulse shopping......and I don't pay $20 for something that I could of paid $10 for upfront in cash! Think about it...interest on your credit cards inflates the price of what your buying!

OK, So.....Let's talk about something more interesting! I'm watching the movie Born Free right now....haven't seen it since I was a kid.......and we'll just say that It's taken me an hour so far to write the little bit I have written........Makes you want a baby lion, but also makes you understand why it's not the best thing for the lion, or your house for that matter!
*Here's a movie cover for it, shrink it, and print it out to make a mini DVD...BTW~ You can find a lot of movie covers this way....Just Google it!!!

And while I'm on the subject on lions....
Have you ever seen the video or heard about the lion named Christian?? It's one of my favorite stories....Check out the video...It's only 2 and a half minutes long!!! And totally worth it!! That's if your a cat/lion person:)

Ok, off to see what kind of trouble I can get into today. OH, wait.......Today my last day of Physical Therapy, for a little while anyways.....2 x a week for 13 weeks, and I'm ready for a break:) See ya later!


  1. Katie, I have seen the Christian lion video. Someone sent it to me last year. It is amazing that the lion remembered! Love the story. Thanks for reminding me! I'm off to the mini store now....You are a BAD influence!!!

  2. Katie does your Bank do a Debit Card it works like a credit card, but instead of getting a statement for payment at the end of the month, when you buy something the money goes straight out of your bank account.

  3. My PayPal account is linked to my Debit - checking account. Most Credit Unions/banks have this in the USA. (took me some getting used to how banks work here in the USA being Canadian)no interest, but some small bank fees depending on the type of accn't you have :D
