Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Pineapple Cane

Sometimes I like what I do....sometimes I'm just not impressed......This is one of those times! Remember how my daughter decided that she wanted her kitchen to be done in pineapples....
Here's the beginning of a pineapple cane......

Which turned into this......

Then I filled the gaps in with a yellow/gold mixture.....Do you see how big it got...Of course my smart *ss boyfriend says..."Why didn't you just make it smaller?" The truth is, I have no idea how big these canes are going to be...I just start building...and this one ended up bigger than the palm of my hand~ and about 2 inches thick!!

....and then you gotta pull and squeeze.......You see the pineapple's ok, we'll find it again in a moment...

See....there it is.......The bottom got squashed, I needed more clay around the bottom of the cane. You believe I probably used 4 blocks of Sculpy just to do that background!

Then I made these with slices from the canes......

...and these.
Like I said, I'm not that impressed...they're pretty and all...Just not as good as I had wanted them.......LMAO, and now I have about 2 foot of Pineapple cane to do something with, lol!!


  1. They look great! LOL I did have a good laugh at the palm sized cane though ;)

  2. I really like them! In fact I wish I had some of the cane to play with.

    As far as what to do with the remaining cane, you could make more of the same and sell/trade them to other miniature or pineapple enthusiasts or try making some buttons or magnet for real life use.

    Also experiment when a small section of cane and see what stick candy and lollipops look like when you twist the colors around.

  3. Katie! You have enough pineapple slices to start your own Dole canning factory!!! It is going to be a pretty kitchen if you use those colors. Go for it. Love the dishes.

    You can always make some big pineapple jewelry.....BIG pineapple jewelry!LOL

  4. hey pretty neat. I like them! they came out pretty cool. I especially like the jars and teapot. I know you maybe wanted them more defined but I think the design looks cool.

  5. That is really funny, have done that kind of thing myself!

    Once started making a face cane and it kept getting bigger. Realized it was going to end up the size of a dinner plate so reduced what I had so far. Cut the cane to about 2 inches long and started adding the rest of the elements till I had a normal sized cane.

    Don't worry, with all that cane you can make pineapple wallpaper too!

  6. Katie well done you on making the cane. Your Daughter will love all the things you have made her..

  7. Pineapple wallpaper , huh? Hahaha....

  8. Katie, I'm so impressed, the things you made look amazing!
    So clever! Cora is one lucky girl!

  9. These are wonderful, I love the design, reminds me of Maui. You have done amazing shapes with them.

  10. Amazing work ..... the end result looks like beautiful pottery. ~ Sue
