Monday, March 30, 2009

Today's Progress....

Well, we went back to the craft store today for another piece of Styrofoam, Yes! Armed with another 40% off coupon. Today's mission was getting it glued down to the big board. This was another piece of foam core, but this one is about 1/2 an inch thick. Then came the Styrofoam. Cameron wanted stairs.....Cameron is my youngest, and very, Very, much into Star Wars. He has been a Big help when it came to doing research...I didn't know the cities' name that I wanted to go off of.....And of course he did!'s called Tatooine....that kid knows more about Star Wars than most adults. Scary!

Ok.....So he wanted stairs....didn't care that they don't lead anywhere...he just needed stairs....Maybe this is a small part of a bigger house on Tatooine, and the stairs lead to another house or something? Does it sound convincing? Lol! Again, I just hot glued several layers of Styrofoam together......

Then it was on to the right side of the door....I just cut the Styrofoam as I went~ Eyeballed it~ and glued it together.

Then I did the left side. No stairs here....Once I got it all glued, I sanded it with another piece of Styrofoam....yes, it's messy, but it works!

And here's the front door, with new, thicker columns....

Now I just have to wait for the bf to go to work tomorrow, so I can 'borrow' the other jug of plaster that is STILL sitting in the bathroom waiting to be used to finish the bathroom walls. Yeah! Remember how long ago it was that I had a new tub and toilet installed, Well, we still don't have all the walls or a sink! I figure he's not finishing it any time soon, so he won't notice that the plaster will be MIA for a little while. Seeing as I know the bf still has to buy another piece of wall, he can also pick up a new tub of plaster. Cause I'm sure I'm going to use the whole tub to finish this.............


  1. Katie am I being a bit dense, but have you glued the roof on and if so how are you going to get that box out and put stuff in? Or does the whole structure lift off the base..

  2. Wow that looks really good...would never have guessed it was styrofoam.

  3. 40% off coupons are great purse-savers for artisans. Whenever I enter the craft shop, I arm each family member with one to get all my things.

    Debbie's comment charmed the tears out of me!

  4. ;) lol.. And if he notices, you can look surprised and say something like, "Hummm, That's weird. Do you think it evaporated?"
    This looks so fantastic with the plaster on. I am so looking forward to seeing the progress of this project of yours.
    Mini Hugs,
