Thursday, April 30, 2009

Come see my lemons.....

Rosanna sent me the neatest set of lemon stuff to celebrate the opening of the other blog....and I couldn't be happier!!! First we have a cake topped with lemon and lime slices...SO yummy looking!!!

You can see it sitting on the table in Cora's Kitchen.....
*And while I have this picture up....Notice I put the toaster on the sink, it's not staying here, just wanted you to see it's the perfect size! I also added a cat cubby over by the sink. I want to make one to match the kitchen, but figured this one would do for now~ Remember I made these a long time ago with a toilet paper roll? Oh, I also painted the tray on top of the fridge gold.
Rosanna also sent me a crate of Lemons! How perfect for Katie's Corner!!

I put them in here for a photo op....and didn't realize how freaking dusty it was in here......LOL.....So excuse the mess.....
*Don't the lemons look good in here! LOL.... I really need to pull this shop out and clean!!!

And then we have my favorite!! A lemonade prep board! This is so awesome.....I can't wait to make a little scene for this.......

Thank-you Rosanna...... Thank-you So much!!!!


  1. Those lemons are fantastic. The box of lemons, the prep board and the cake. Goes well with the pineapples.

  2. What wonderful, thoughtful gifts from the lovely Rosanna!

  3. Oooh how pretty! And yep the toaster is just the perfect size. may I make a tiny suggestion...I think it would look fantastic painted copper...I think the warm tone would make it look even more fabulous! Of course that is just my thoughts. I can't get over how perfectly sized it is. And on Clearance to boot! WTG!
    And Rosanna, your work is truly gorgeous!!!! So very lifelike!!!

  4. ....Copper would be perfect! Thanks for suggesting that....I woulda painted it silver, and not been as happy, lol.

  5. Katie, I'm glad you liked the idea too. I saw the other copper things in the kitchen and just thought how fabulous it would look! :-)

  6. I second the copper idea! The lemons are awesome. (Starting to wonder if the Italian mail system lost the package I sent to Rosana. :-( I mailed it the same day I sent you and Cora stuff.)

  7. All the lemons, cakes fits wonderful in the kitchen. Wonderful gifts!

  8. The lemons are so gorgeous! Never thought I would say that about lemons but the prep board is just amazing. You are so lucky , Katie! Fantastic work, Rosanna!
