Friday, May 15, 2009

Books, books, and more books...

I came across this amazing artist last night, and when I saw the pictures, I thought, How perfect for the critters.....Her name is Jill Barklem....maybe you have seen some of her books? They look really familiar to me, maybe I even read some as a child. But her art work is Amazing.....

Then I ran into a blog that did a house in mini......
...and well that just makes me want to make my own house even more!! It would be the perfect home for the Calico Critters!!! Don'tcha think??
~ok....just found this page and thought I'd throw it in here, too:
*Ok, so Casey asked me if I was done prinite-ing.....And my answer is Nope!! I haven't ran out of ink yet!! LOL...I made a few more books for the nursery last night~ This first book was one I had when I was little....and the day I brought my oldest home from the hospital, I found a brand new copy of it laying his bassinet!
And then there's this book........I still can't read this book without crying....

And then there's this one that I used to read to my son when he was little.....
And the last book is one I fell in love with as a little girl....I will get back to this book another day, and show you some pictures.....It's another one that was meant to be done in miniature!!
Sorry the pictures are so big...forgot to put it back on small when I was uploading them. Oops!

.....I also found a great calender to hang on Cora's fridge!! Look Mercedes.... it has bumble bees on it!! (Don't worry, I printed one out for you too!!) I choose June because Cora's birthday is in June~ She'll be 12 this year! Isn't it cute??

Oh....and I also went back and got 'the Grandparents' last night. I'll post a picture later......but I knew if I waited they'd be gone.....Now they're sitting in the house, waiting to be opened....


  1. Those top illustrations look like Brambly Hedge. This is the link if you want to have a look Katie..

  2. It is Debbie! Thanks for the link!! I also checked online this morning, and I can check out her books at the local library!!

  3. I will be checking out these links after I get back from more house painting.

    Isn't it great that I feel well enough to go climb on step stools, roll paint onto walls, fill nail holes... wait... I wanna go back to bed! ;-)

  4. Hi Katie,
    I LOVE Brambly hedge, when I was a teenager I found a poster book of those pics, don't think I have it any more. Just bought a book of it for Liberty last week and she loves it too. Love that bee calendar!
