Monday, May 18, 2009

OH MY GOD.....I just typed up this big ole long blog for MiniKat...went to post it....and it disappeared~ That's never happened to me before??? Too many pictures maybe??? I'll have to try that again when I have a little more patience!!! Ugggg!!!


  1. Katie, I did that just last week. I think, in my case, I pushed the wrong key and everything vanished! I could have cried. I had to start from scratch! Not fun!!!! You have my sympathy!

  2. Ugh. Hate when that happens. I don't think it's lost lost. There is a reference to it on my blog feed. Did you try going into "edit posts" and see if there is a partial one there from the auto saves?

  3. Didn't it automatically save to draft? Sometimes if I am doing a long post, I will save it to draft as I go and that way I don't lose it.

  4. This is very strange because I can see the pictures you had in Reader, but no text..

    Blogger was giving me trouble yesterday too.

    I type my text out in Microsof Word first and then paste them in after loosing them once before :(

  5. Katie, it looks like it at least saved your pics in your Picasa web album :D

  6. Oh dear, it should be in your draft post? I have many pics too, never happened before..
