Saturday, May 23, 2009

Still Marshmallowing over

...Oh, and now the kids are calling it 'The Marshmallow House', Thanks!! Hahahaha!!! Just thought while I waited for our Spaghetti noodles to boil, I'd drop off pictures from yesterday's work. I have yet to do anything mini today....Just been trying to keep up with the kids!

I was able to finish the rocks around the front door...

...And then I started down the side.

I'd like the do the top part of the house with shingles......and then do a different kind of shingles on the roof......But, we'll have to see what I can find around here first. OK...until next time.....


  1. So... the roof should be chocolate and the window shutters lollies. Then use licorice to make a fence... ;-)

    Actually I think it looks really cool! :-)

  2. The kids are right.....You have a marshmallow house. You could call it Marshmallow Manor! It is going to be neat after you paint the I mean rocks! Cant wait to see it!

  3. I like it Katie. I can just picture this little cottage in the Forest..x
