Monday, June 15, 2009

My Weekend in Pictures...

I enjoyed a nice, quiet weekend, Curled up on the couch! Watched Lots of movies.....something I'll save for another blog.............And I got most of the inside painted in Marshmallow Manor. I can't tell you enough how well the aging process has gone. I've been using Grandma's watercolors.....and saturating the wall in colors...The whole process has been a lot easier than I thought it would be! I just load up my paint brush with whatever watered down color I want, and then let it run down into wherever it wants to go. Hopefully that makes sense, lol. It really does add a lot of character!

I also started the wood around the windows. Looks a little like I used icing to do it, huh, lol! Marshmallows and Icing, yum, Hahaha!!! OK, ok...enough of the jokes! I used paperclay....once it gets painted, it will all make sense! I hope, :)!

Here's a close up of the walls....I love the texture! I love the way dark colors fell in all the gaps!

And one more picture of the inside.....
Ok...So Saturday night I was up late surfing the net, when I heard something scratching at the window.........Thinking it was the cat, I turned around to see this little guy staring at me! Creepy if you ask me, me the chills just thinking about it! So, I grab the camera...cause this is one of those stories no one would believe otherwise, and barely got a shot of it leaving. It's in the kids toy bucket, You can see the back of his head....
LMAO! And it's getting even braver than that.....I was able to crack open the window and get a shot of him checking out the empty bowls!

Yup!! He came back again last night! I swear he knows my call for Rufus (the orange stray I feed)...Cause he always seems to come as soon as Rufus leaves. And last night, he didn't want to leave! I sent my oldest outside to chase him off, and the opossum actually Flexed on my kid. Arched his back and everything! Hahaha......Yes, I know....I really need to trap this guy, and find him a new home.....Some where far from here! Otis has found a new sleeping spot! He's actually never tried to lay here before, and yet all weekend he has insisted on sleeping like this. Makes it really hard to use the mouse when the end with the cord is in his mouth!!
Alrighty then.....I'm off to try and get to some of these emails I am way behind on! And I need to start getting my act together with some of the trades I have fallen behind on! I am sorry it has taken me so long to get to some of you..I just don't want to send anything......I like to personalize things, and send good stuff! I can say.....I do think of all of you everyday!! I'm always thinking...'This person would like this, or maybe I should post this idea for this person'.......... My Real Life just has me bogged down at the moment, and my creative juices aren't flowing as well as I'd like them to be! Give me some time.......and I promise, it will be totally worth the wait! :)
Oh, and when I come back......I'll have pictures of what Ana sent me!! totally has me sidetracked from everything else I was doing, cause all I can think about now....... Is curtains!!! Thanks again Ana! :)
Until Next Time!


  1. Wow, the marshmallow manor just keeps looking better and better. I love to see what Otis has been up to- I really love Otis- you can tell him I said so-he has a fan. Have a great day Katie!!

  2. Katie, I think that you should name your little friend and give him a home. As possums go, he is a cutie!LOL So possums eat cat food???

  3. Take your time and get things good for you again. :-)

    I love the colors on MM! And I think Otis is channeling Confetti 'cause that's where she sleeps. ;-)

  4. Katie, I am here sending you good energies and lots of good thoughts, and I´m sure all of us here are doing the same.
    The little house is so cute! I can´t wait to see it finish with the furniture inside.
    Otis, can always surprise us, I think he is gelous of the time you spend in the PC..LOL
    It is almost seven pm , I must go out sopping a zipper to finish my other bag.

  5. eeeeeew, soory I am no fan of rats! Possums?? That's just a good name, like calling a tiger, kitty.

    Katie, just smack it and throw it into the dumps! Or he will eat up all your marshmallows.

    I am all for taking your time with minis and gifts. A good present is never late!
