Friday, June 26, 2009

Name that flower...

OK.....So a long time ago, there used to be these beautiful flowers outside our store......That was until they decided to re landscape the lot. I asked the guys if they could save me a few........and It wasn't until after I clocked out that I had realized they had a whole box for me. So, naturally I took them home, planted them and then waited for them to bloom.........and I waited, and waited (btw, I'm talking about years two years ago, I decided that they must need more sunlight, so I moved them...........and then last year I got a bloom!! Yes!! One single bloom!

Now I've seen these plants planted in yards around here, and they can be over 6 foot tall.....but not mine. I have no clue as to what they're called.....So I was wondering if anyone could help??
Once I figure out what they are, I might be able to figure out what they want..........


  1. Hi Katie,

    I think your flower is a yellow canna lily. It sure is pretty- long wait for a bloom though!!

  2. They look like a form of tiger lilly to me. We have orange and yellow ones and their leaves are like spilkes. They look very sililar to that.

  3. They look a bit like a Canna Lily. Beautiful.

  4. See....I knew ya'll would know!! THANK-YOU!!! :) Now I'm off to read about flowers some more:)
