Friday, August 7, 2009

The 4th picture...

I've been tagged by several people to share my fourth picture in my fourth file.....And ya'll know how much I love to share pictures with you...
So here Goes:

Meet the Spy, LOL! This came from the file titled 'Girls Night Out'.....taken almost 2 years ago! ...And it was the only time I have actually gotten drunk in over 5 years!!....What? Every one needs a night out with the girls every Once in a while, Right!! So....we, mind you we range in age from mid 20s to early 30s....(Old enough to know better, if you know what I mean) so we were sitting there when in walked one of the Father-in-Laws, who is also the Dad of one of the girls we were with, too. Either he wanted a good excuse for hanging out with us ladies...or he was there to make sure we was behaving, Hahaha.......Hence, he became known as the 'Spy'. Isn't he cute!!
The way this tag plays is I have to pass this along to 4 other bloggers and they get to post the fourth picture in their fourth file for us to see....and then they get to pass it on, so Here's my 4 people:


  1. Now, I have a problem, I have lots of files with photos, but they are not identified with numbers LOL, but with themes, so well, I must use my imagination..

  2. ok i'll play; may not get to it today but i'll see what i have. hey your headboard looks good!
