Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Outside kittens....'ll have to forgive the glare on some of these pictures....most have been taken through the window. Here you can see Momma kitty feeding all 6 of her babies....

And they're starting to get braver and explore the yard.
Here's Momma feeding them again..... She's the one looking up. And if you look can see the runt of the family laying up on top of her.
They really are so tiny!!!

.....and these 2 have made it in the house. They're the biggest of the bunch...and I've been watching them eating solids for a week I felt OK taking them. It has been raining and storming here so bad, if I could catch them all, they'd all be in.

Luckily I have the kids here to help me out......these guys are already using the litter box, when we make it in time! I told the kids they were NOT aloud to name the kittens, so we wouldn't get attached, then the kids Godfather stopped by....and dubbed the kittens Fred and Ginger...........That's Ginger in the last picture...And OMG Is she beautiful!! See that bright orange spot...that's her foot!

OK....hang in there......I'm off to get a mini blog done:) Until Next time.....


  1. Katie, No names? LOL. The way I see it, you need four more names!I can send you a website that has lots of suggestions on what to name the baby......Ducking and running for cover now!

  2. The Kittens are really cute Katie. x

  3. Those kitties are just so cute! I love the white one with the back on top of her head. They look like they will have long hair? I would have trouble picking just one!

  4. Hi! Katie
    those kitten are just so cute and tiny. I love baby cats!I have been with lots, lots of work to do at my job, only after the 16th December I will be able to do some minis.:(
    A great hug from Portugal

  5. It's a good thing we're not neighbours. I'm such a sucker for torties, I would have adopted Ginger already LOL!

  6. The little babies are so cute!!! What a wonderful bunch to wake up to in the morning! Hugs - Ara
