Sunday, November 29, 2009

We're Back....

Well Hello there!.....Now that I've had some sleep, I think I'm ready to blog.....

The drive from here to Washington DC is Normally so pretty this time of year! The leaves are changing colors....and I love seeing all the reds, oranges, and yellows! But Not this time!! LOL, This is what I saw for 4 hours!!! boring!!! And yet, kinda neat.....and Very eerie!! I was waiting for the headless horsemen to come riding through the woods at any moment!

Thanksgiving dinner was yummy! But I have to say my favorite part was making blankets for St. Judes hospital.....My Mom, My Daughter, and Myself made 7 blankets total that will go to special kids this Christmas!! I was really glad my Mom thought of this, cause to me, that's what this time of year is really about!

**Warning: Gross pictures to follow**
However........ I must say the High-light of my weekend was the rotary cutter! Wow! It really makes cutting fabric quick.......And it cuts right through your finger like butter. If I've said it once, I said it a thousand times.....Me and tools just don't mix! LOL.......Remember what I did with the Dremel! Yeah! case closed!! Hehehe
So the next time your cutting fabric with rotary cutter, don't try and carry on a conversation with your kids......You'll look away for a minute, and next thing you know, you'll be cutting right through your finger! Look at what I did to the nail....Luckily I didn't cut all the way through the finger...And I was able to put it back on. And my kids were even kind enough to 'dr' me up!!

And before I go thought I'd leave you with a cute pic!! Here's Fred and Otis napping on the coffee table!
LOL.....until next time!


  1. Hi! It's me again.....Just thought you'd like to know that I have a tutorial stashed away in my blog on how to make these blankets in minitature....Here's the link:

    To do them in real life, You cut the sides into 1x4 inch tabs all the around. Hope that makes sense...And as always, if you have any questions...Just ask!

    Oh...and the material I'm using is called, didn't know what it was when I wrote the tutorial! LOL

  2. Katie, your rotery cutter accident is about as bad as the time I sewed through my index finger with the machine. Mine was only dots, but I can really sympathize with you. Get well soon. The cuts makes it hard for mini-ing!

  3. OUCH! You poor thing! Did you know that Neosporin makes a cream with pain reliever in it? Looks like you could use some of that!

  4. hey cool eerie pic. got more? I may ask to borrow some around halloween! but we could've done without all the gorey glory. haa! Glad you are ok. owww! (I think my worst was slamming big toe with a coffee table. Hurt? and they had to take the nail off!) yewww!

  5. How did I miss a pic of Otis??? I am getting kind of scared for you to cut that gourd- are you sure you don't want to send it to me to cut it and mail it back to you?? I love St. Jude's- it's a charity I always give to. Take care of yourself Katie!!
