Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Calico Critters are finally at Toys-R-Us!!!

Yup!! Ask me how excited I was when I found them....and guess who got the mouse family for her birthday:) So....with a new family, comes a new house. I have another one of those houses we all bought from Michael's a while back, and it finally spoke to me the other day.....LOL, Told me it wants to be a mouse house.....Of course I have no pictures to share with ya'll today.....Still working on those computer issues. BUT, At least I can say, I think I'm getting back into the flow of things. I have been taking pictures as I go along.....so one day, I'll be able to catch ya'll up.

Hope everyone out there is doing good! I had my thyroid biopsy and everything came back negative:) Been feeling good.....Learning not to pet every stray cat that comes along. Got bite last week, and oh boy, was it involved. Had to get a tetanus shot, had to make a report with animal control.......Had to talk to the health department.....had to go on antibiotics cause my hand got infected....and when the doctor asked if I had learnt my lesson, I laughed and said probably not, LOL. Our cats are doing good. Still have all of them, and they keep me busy! There's always one of them that needs a little TLC. But their good companions! So go figure.

OK.......I'm off for my afternoon nap......and then to start this floor.....

Until Next time!


  1. Me alegro que tus problemas de salud, vayan mejorando.
    Volvere para ver tu nuevo proyecto.
    besitos ascension

  2. Katie so lovely to hear that your OK.
    Sorry to hear that you got bitten.
    Looking forward to catching up with all your projects when your back with us all in the blogosphere..xxx

  3. Katie!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so happy to see you post- and happy to hear about your biopsy results! I can't wait to see pictures and I hope you are doing really great and enjoying the spring weather. I miss you so much when you are gone--sending you lots and lots of hugs!!!!

    Kim ♥

  4. It's about time! Welcome Back!!! I'm happy that you are feeling better, Katie! Keep your fingers out of stray cat's mouths! What were you thinking?LOL! Missed you!

  5. Katie! I am so happy, you are back, finally. I missed you.
    Love from Portugal

  6. Hey stranger, wondered how you were doing! I got bit in the arm once by a wild kitten but luckily didn't have to go through all that. Can't wait to see the new house you dream up!

  7. So glad you're back and your test was good. Sorry about the cat incident--those can turn into scary stuff. I can't wait to see your mouse house!

    I am still slogging slowly along on Joanna's Victoria's Farmhouse! Can you believe I don't have it finished!


  8. Good to hear from you, Katie! I may have to check the local Toy's R' Us this week. ;-)

  9. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you!!!!!! Good to see you back ! Came right over :). Kitty bite is that bad? I met one just 2 days ago and was going to take it home with me but I think it may belong to someone else although it does not have any collar. Plus it was snarling at me :). Just that it reminded me so much of my Siamese who disappeared.

  10. It's so good to hear from your! I'm glad to hear the good news about your biopsy! Yippee! Brushing sweat off brow here, just went through the same thing!
    No More Stray Csts! Hear?
    Hope your hand heals quick!
