Tuesday, June 8, 2010

...The Baby Shower...

OK.....I'm bored, so ya'll are getting another post:)

This past weekend, we went home for my sister's baby shower. Baby Gavin will be here in the middle of August, and if I can......I hope to be there with them. I am soooo excited to be an Aunt!!

Thought you mini cake makers would like these pictures........Not sure if I ever told you, but my parents are unofficial party planners. They love this kind of stuff, however I think they just like seeing the family come together sometimes, too!
Here's my Sis.....see the baby belly? Thought I could get away with showing this pic, since it's not of her face.......

She even had a friend of hers over to do face painting for the kids....
Here's my youngest with his camo eyes.....
And a skeleton......
....And a pink face.....
And seeing as there was blue crabs on the menu, it only seemed natural for one of the kids to request a crab on his cheek...Too cute!!!

....But then came the laughter, and the tears.
My oldest sits down
and when asked what he wanted....
He said:
"Make me into a drag queen!"
And I tell you....
We laughed
and we laughed some more.
I love ya Drew!
Now that I've had a little family R&R.......I'm pooped. Spent all day yesterday in bed.....and plan on doing the same thing again here in a little while. I'm a little excited....Shutter Island comes out today!

((Oh....remember the asylum we visited....You'll never guess what I found to do this year....anyone down for a visit to the WV State Penitentiary?? Wanna go see old sparky with me?? LOL))

So until Next Time....


  1. Drew- how funny!!! The eyelashes are just too much!!! I am glad you were able to visit with family Katie- how exciting to be a new aunt soon! I am totally on board for that visit to Old Sparky!!

  2. There's a portrait to blow up. haa! Your son is so "pretty!"

    ooh i'd love to see the old prison. always thought it'd be neat to see Alcatraz too. Share some creepy pix if you go!

  3. Yes, dearie, show us the State Penitentiary
