Sunday, June 27, 2010

Keeping the Kids Busy, Part 2

Early in the week, Cora informed me that she wanted to have a "Make your own Creature Day", so....I went through my big box of clay scraps, and donated to the cause. The kids had a lot of fun, and it kept them entertained for several hours!

Cameron made an Elephant and a Pig. Love the color in those ears Buddy!

Drew made a dragon.....see the little spikes on his tail!

And Cora made 2 cute 'creatures'! I love how you mixed the colors up for a marbly dino!

One afternoon, I got the 'bright' idea that I'd take them to a park and let them run off some energy. LOL, I'm slowly getting the hint that my babies aren't exactly babies anymore. They lasted 5 minutes on the playground. Hahaha....I will give them the benefit of the doubt here though, and tell you it was Hot!! I was in the shade and ready to go too! Of course though, we couldn't leave the park until Cameron climbed a tree....or 2! My little monkey just scurries right up!!

My daughter on the other hand, had to have some help! What a good big brother Drew is!

Look at her laughing! That's my princess!! LOL

While I was there I found a tree that I want my tree house to look like! I love all the roots! Now I gotta figure out how to reduce it! ((I have the base of my house drawn out on some foamcore board, and the bf is already freakin' about 'Where's that gonna go', LMAO!! ~'Right over there', I say, giggling))

Another event that the kids love....Monopoly. I don't play this with them, because it stresses me out! LOL. These guys spend a lot of time 'discussing' the rules...the money...who's turn it is....who's got what money where....who's buying what....It's horrible! But they love it, And the bf loves to 'debate' so he fits right in! LOL

**Cost for the week: $0 :)


  1. love all of their creatures! Nothing better than the artwork that comes from kids!

  2. I wish I could get my boyfriend's son to do anything besides play video games all day. I used to do crafty projects all the time when I was younger. Now I wish I had the time to do them.
