Sunday, June 13, 2010

More Jugs...

I don't know why we didn't think of this before?? A Monogrammed Jug! Isn't it pretty?! Oh the possibilities!

After seeing Sylvia's rooster jugs (Which you can find here: ) , I knew I needed to make a pink jug with scalloped edges and poka-dots! Love those poka-dots Sylvia! Yes, I know....I'm suppose to be working on the tree house, but I got side-tracked! Ya'll know how addicting those little jugs can get.....right?! LOL Still trying to decide if I want to age these or leave them new.......?
So.....I have a secret to tell ya'll. About 10 years ago, I filled bankruptcy. I had medical debt up to my ears, and was sinking faster than I could swim. At that time, I also decided to cut up all my credit cards (all 3 them) And vowed to never have one again. And up until now....I still don't have one. I can't work due to a dysfunctional autonomic nervous system, so I have no business buying anything I really don't need. But I tell ya....It kills me when I see stuff on ya'lls websites that I can't have. And you guys are always so kind as to point me in the right direction as to where online I could buy something......I do really appreciate that! I just don't want everyone thinking I'm ignoring you......I'm not. I do normally go look at what people suggest, and then try and figure out how I can make something similar with what I can get my hands on. Blame it on my Mother...she used to drag me to craft shows with her, and disect what people had done, then come home and do it herself. Oh, she still bought stuff, too now.......just somethings she knew she could do herself. With that being said, oneday I'm going to win the lottery, and then I'll be able to buy anything I want, Bah hahaha.........
Until Next Time....


  1. Hi Katie. Ooh credit cards are bad! I've chopped up many over the years.
    I too try and make stuff as cheap as possible and with what i have to hand. But every now and again have to splash out and top up essentials.
    At the moment i have hardly any clay, no wood, my paints are almost empty and so on and so on.
    I did really well at KDF but all the money i earned has paid bills, bought the children clothes and fixed the boiler etc. Im now left with nothing for supplies and having to be resourceful. So i know how you feel.
    If i win the lottery i'll send some you way, lol. It will never happen but i can dream.
    Just before i went to kdf everyone was so kind to me and sent parcels and materials i could use. I didnt have time to use everything sent but wthout everyones help i'd have not been able to go and so really grateful for their help.
    Love the ugs you have made and i think they would look just as nice aged. Maybe keep these ones nice and make some others to age.
    Im going to have to give these a go one dau too.
    Much love, Nikki xxx

  2. fantastic work very very well

  3. Katie, don't feel bad. We all do the same thing.....If I see something that I like at a show and it is something I can make, I do it. The only thing I don't do is a direct copy. I always change the item somehow and I never ever make it for sale. And I always give credit where it is due if I know the source. You know my motto."Use it up. Wear it out. Make it do or do without."
    I am a firm believer in at least giving it a try. If it works, I am way ahead. If it doesn't, oh well. At least I tried....

  4. Boy don't we all wish that! Woudn't it be fun to just buy-buy-buy any minis, whenever? haa!
    Hey cool jugs! Now you got me thinking I gotta make some more of those! (instigator! haa!)

  5. Really pretty jugs. I am sure they will fit in perfectly to whatever scene you create

  6. Your jugs are lovely and btw, you are not the only one; I do not own a credit card either. I only have a prepaid postal card which I have to refill at Post offices and only with cash. Needless to say that 99 times out of 100 I give up the idea of buying anything.It's a good way to save money ;o) Have a nice day, Rosanna

  7. Those jugs are wonderful. You are very talented and your house is amazing. My poor hubby couldn't get on with painting the bathroom 'cos I kept shouting him to have a look. My talents are not so good and I tend to buy more and then say I'm sure I could make that but when I see all you talented guys - no! My forte tends to be photoshop and full size stuff! You are certainly not on your own with credit cards - I look at other people and sometimes get quite envious! Oh to win the lottery!

  8. Haha, I really like Casey's saying: Use it up, Wear it out, Make it do or do without!

    I think it is way more fun to make our own. Seriously, except for items made by friends, I almost always re-purpose the minis I buy and usually at S$2 shop. And who amongst us has not re-engineered some work we admire or love. I do that too and of course try to credit our source.

    Must always give credit when credit is due, except when it is the credit card!

  9. Lovely new jugs Katie! I have a confession too- I don't have a phone! I have a cell phone from work and can use that for free to call my hubby because I work with him- but we have no home phone and I feel so stupid when bloggers ask if they can call me and I have to tell them no because I have no phone! Having no credit card is a good thing.....and hey, if you are ever looking for something let me know- I might have it! Friends and family have given me their cast offs for years and I hardly ever throw "art" things out- just in case, ya know? I might have what you are looking for tucked away somewhere!

  10. Oh shoot Katie, I mentioned Amazon only because it's a good spot to see all the different options for bedroom sets :/ The prices look great until you add shipping, so if they have it locally then you'll probably do better just to grab it nearby. I was mostly curious which one you were thinking about adding to the treehouse.

  11. Ah Katie, I know just where you are coming from. I no longer have any credit cards and we live on old age pension so I can not afford to buy any miniatures. That is why I do not go to any shows as it would be heartbreaking to see but not be able to buy. That is why I try to make everything myself from scrap items.
