Monday, August 9, 2010

Our Trip: Part 4~ Ghosts??

OK....So does someone want to explain why my camera did this?? Look in the lower right corner...

Here it is enlarged: See the almost rainbow? Mind you these pictures were taking about 2 hours before it started to rain.

Or what about this photo? Do you see that round blue spot in the bottom corner? Or see how the picture is tinted blue to the left of that yellow sign? What causes that??

Here's a close up of the bottom corner.... Weird huh??

And what about this picture.....Same area, different picture....and the same blue tint in the middle of the pic??
I'd love to believe it's some kind of ghost of something, but I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation, right??


  1. Hi there, my husband is asking what make of camera? I thought the first two were what I would have said as sun glare but Mal has looked and wonders if it's the processor in your camera!

  2. Me again! On looking further were you pointing into the sun? If so the blue could also be sun glare

  3. No se que sera, pero resulta asombroso ver esas imagenes, podria ser un fantasma......?
    Seguro que hay una explicacion.....
    besitos ascension

  4. Thanks for your comments:)
    My camera is a Sony Cyber-shot... And I took over 300 pictures, and these were the only ones that looked like this. I can understand the red one being some kind of glare, (I was facing the sun) and that blue area in the middle of the other ones~ but that blue blob in the lower right corner bugs My camera is getting old, and hasn't worked right since we took the tour at the turns off when it wants to, or switches between things you want it to do with out pushing any buttons....go figure, huh?


  5. You don't know how spooky this is for me sitting here in the wee hours of the morning. The "Hungry Ghost Festival" in Singapore has just started , today is the 2nd day. woooooooooooooooooooo! LOL.

    Love the pics though. If you didn't point those blobs out, I wouldn't have noticed.

  6. Ooh Katie that sounds spooky!!! Howsabout trying on a supernatural website? Have you tried googling to see if anyone else has had this happen whilst visiting the asylum?
