Saturday, September 18, 2010

Got a Little of a Lot done......

Let's see....
I glued the shelves down on my metal rack........ And finally ended up getting the accessories to where I think I want them.... I have to tell you that one of my favorite pieces is in here...You see the Pisces's plate! I just Love the design on it......And No, I'm not a Pisces's...... I'm an Aries, but it was the only plate that the dollhouse store had, And my Bestest friend in the whole world is a Pisces's.....So I bought it:) As you can see I still have some room to fill............Just haven't figured out what will go there yet....

Then I put a white-wash of blue over the doors.....I thought it stood out to much, so I lightened it.....I like it much better this way:) I also went ahead and glued down the things on the door... The little Birdhouses came from Mercedes.... And all the 'things with wings' will be going on the other side. The dragonfly at the top was a charm from a jewelry catalog I had bought years ago. The cat I've had forever, too! It was a lapel pin.... And that last dragonfly was some kind of pendant. I had originally made them (well painted them white) for Katie's Corner (the pink room), but then ran out of room. I'm so glad I was able to finally use them:)

And here is where I'm at today.....Sorry about the plant, didn't realize it had tipped over until after I got the picture loaded. Again, I'm soooo glad I repainted those doors.... They fit in sooo much better now:)
Well, Alrighty then....... I've got errands to run today, but hopefully tonight, I can get just one more thing done:)
See Ya Next Time:)


  1. Just looks like a real shop Katie, like a real life antique brick a brack store I love it ! And your putting it together so quickly with such wonderful ideas! Kate xx

  2. The result is Fantastic1
    Best compliments!

  3. It's looking better and better!!!Keep going!

  4. Beautiful job, I just love this room.
    -Kim :)

  5. Katie it's so lifefull. Really pretty and you have done a great work with all your pieces. I love it, Rosanna

  6. Love this! You've done a great job arranging and accessorizing! :D

  7. The room looks great! Love the finials too btw. :-)

  8. Love the room!! All the pieces you've put together are perfect! I love how you used the dragonfly charms on the doors!! They look great there! -ara

  9. Te ha quedado fantastico, me encanta el estilo que has conseguido, enhorabuena.
    besitos ascension

  10. fantastic! love the screen and the shelf. This is turning out great!
