I just love how they turned out!

This morning I pulled the glass house out.....And Wouldn't you know that that dang piece of felt is about an inch too short!! *&$#*!!! Guess I'm gonna have to use it as a rug instead!

Then I put my thinking cap on and ended up using a piece of real floor tile. We still have a lot left over from when we did the hallway....so it shows up quite a bit. It's so easy to cut, and it's already sticky! You can find them at most home improvement stores...and I've even seen them (by the case) at the Dollar General, and Big Lots.....

Then I had to put everything...well a lot of it....back in and play with it. Just how many times can one reorganize a room before we finally like it??? LOL
.....they're not miniature...but thought you'd like to see it anyways....

...OK......what else was there......
Finials....I've been trying to find things to use as finials and today, while looking through my Van Dyke's Restorers Catalog.... I found that they use finials on door hinges...and it got me to thinking that those might work, huh....So I'll have to look into that...No fancy door hinges in my house...Yes, I've already looked. ....and if you don't have above said catalog, I recommend getting one. There's sooooo many ideas for just about everything! Door straps, locks, ceiling tiles, furniture hardware....Like I said, lots of neat stuff to look out. I'm not sure about today....but I know I got this catalog for free a few years ago. It'd be worth checking it out.
....Someone asked about the signs....and thought I'd give you a quick tutorial...... Start with a Popsicles stick, and stamp your words onto it. Then cut it to size. Next... flip it over, and paint it what ever your base color is going to be. Let it dry. Then stamp your word(s) onto the painted side. Sand the edges....and then go back and ink those same edges...smudging is good....Smudging makes it look older.....let dry, And DON'T use hairspray to set it. I did this with my first set, and it made all my letters run. The bf said it only adds to the age/character of them, but me being a perfectionist, I had to redo all of them:)
Ok...That's it for today, I'm going to go rearrange the glass house a few more times, lol!
....OHH yeah! I remember now.......Whatcha think about me naming the glass house The Painted Lady?? I was listening to something the other day and they were talking about this row of houses called 'the painted ladies', and I really liked the name. It kinds of represents all the ladies who have painted/ and repainted things to be resold at 'this little boutique'......
Ok....I'm leaving for real this time.......
Until Next Time..........
Katie, I can't wait to see the finished glass house. It is looking better and better! I think that you need to make a popcicle stick sign "The Painted Lady" to go inside. Great name.
ReplyDelete...too funny, I was reading and commenting on your blog, when you were visiting mine:) I've already thought about the sign, but thinking I may go a little bigger than the popcicle stick, To make it look important:)
ReplyDeleteI've just been reading back. The glass house is an awesome find. I have a terrarium I got from a thrift store to but don't know what to do with it yet.
ReplyDeleteCan't wait to see how yours ends up...it looks magnificent already.
I've used those cake pillars before as stands for gargoyles I've made...they are great painted up to look aged.
Wow, I'm loving your glass house, I really like the tile floor.
ReplyDeleteProgress is looking good! =)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the quick tutorial.
I love it and cant wait to see the finished thing
you are just too talented I never would have thought to put down a tile. also I am so very sorry for the mispost please forgive me
ReplyDeleteboy is my face red
Marisa :(
The flooring looks fantastic! It is the perfect style and finish for the glass house. Something that would easily be on a greenhouse floor. Love the finials and all the accoutrement. She's a lovely little 'painted lady'!
ReplyDeleteYour aged items look great. The tile floor is a great idea. I used one very similiar in my boys ponderosa kitchen. It doesn't fill the whole length but they don't seem to care!
ReplyDelete"The Painted Lady" sounds just right. Thanks for sharing the idea for the signs.
ReplyDeleteI still haven't mastered this 'dry painting' mine always ends up a bloggy mess.
The tile is really a perfect touch, Katie. I have been reading backwards too and wanted to complement you on the crackle effect, the use of the chess pieces and "white washing" the door. I love the name "The Painted Lady".