Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh Mr. Sun.....

I sure wish you'd come out.... I have pictures to take:)

So for now, you'll have to deal with these....
~Made some more signs using tongue compressor sticks.... These would be perfect in a beach house, don't ya think??

And here's what I made today...... Took me 2 movies to make these...... (Halloween I and II, the Rob Zombie ones, in case anyone is wondering, lol)

These little guys are a pain in the butt to mess with. I had to jam needles in them to be able to paint them, and when you're sanding them, they're constantly flinging out of your fingers.

But they're just so cute!
....Now, If I could just get that sun to come out so I could take better pictures:)

~maybe tommorrow?!
........Until Next Time.....

1 comment:

  1. Oh Katie.....to own these lovely creations you've been making lately...*sigh*....
    These new signs are dreamy and I love the little "home" and "dream" houses. =)
