Thursday, October 14, 2010

Random Pics....

Well............ I'm here..... Still sick.... But I'm here. Haven't made anything this week, cause I've been spending most of my time online getting my Etsy page going. It is easier than I thought, Just time consuming! And well.... in between the kids/cats/bf.... someone always wants something. Wouldn't it be nice if I could find a hole around here to hide in! Somewhere where no on can find me:) LOL.... I'd be able to get soooo much more work done! Oh well... a girl can dream, can't she??? LOL

Hopefully these pics hold you over until I can get something made:)
First is a cabinet I found at the thrift store..... I so wish the other side opened, and that the shelves were straight.... but for $.55 I couldn't resist.

Next is something my BFF bought me....

It's Meaty!! ((If you've even seen the Rob and Big Show.... You'll know who Meaty is.)) And not only did we get Meaty, but also a cool board for the skate shop. And speaking of boards for the skateshop~ McDonald's has Clone Wars~ Star Wars skateboards... But after a suggestion from my youngest, I think they'll go in his Star Wars Toystore. And yes! I know.... I really need to finish Both these projects.... One day, huh!!!

Alrighty then.... hopefully my brain recharges here soon cause I have some ideas of things I want to make next.... Just gotta find the time, and the umph to get 'er done!
Until Next Time...


  1. Katie :( I hope you feel better soon ♥ You should put a link to your etsy store here on your blog :) 55 cents is quite the bargain! Hope the day gets better ♥

  2. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
    -Kim :)

  3. Katie, could the glue be loosened with a hair dryer on that door? If so, you could pry it off and hinge it like the other one.

    Please get better soon!

  4. that's a beautiful cabinet, you can do a lot with it!

    hope you feel better soon

  5. Get well soon, dear!

    Yes, you can also try and open it with a chisel.

  6. ¡Muy buenas compras! Espero que te mejores. Pon un link de tu tienda, queremos conocerla:)
    Besos Clara
