Tuesday, October 5, 2010

An updated dress form

Well..... It's getting there. I decided to skip the bow..... and used some of the ribbon Ira had sent me to do a waist band. I think a bow would of taken away from the pearl necklaces...... and I like it simple... What do you think?? Does it need any thing else?

...Oh and thank you for suggesting the wire... I found the thinnest wire I had, and went with it. And I was able to form it around the neck, and drape it the way I wanted.... so Thank-you!! :)

Until next Time


  1. This is a great result, Katie! (and honestly, between the two of us, I never ever get tired of the crackling effect either, it´s fantastic, ;-)
    Love, Susanne

  2. I love it! Very vintage looking.

  3. Maybe a top? But it will hide the paintjob...guess it is quite complete now :).

  4. Turned out really nice Katie- I like the ribbon as a band instead of a bow- makes the necklace stand out better too-very cute!
