Friday, December 3, 2010

Just another update...

Hey ya'll.....

Can you believe it's December already?? I swear every year, I have such big plans for Christmas.... and yet before I know it, it's here, and I'm stressing:) .... And I normally take December off from the doctors so I can relax and enjoy the reason I'm at the doctors so much.... not sure if that made much let me rephrase it for you.... I know I have this lemon, and I choose to fight to make my quality of living better... And I do it for my family. I have this 'illness' and it's here whether I go to the doctors or not, so on the holidays.... I like to separate myself from the 'medical' issues, and just try and enjoy things. Hope I made sense that time, I'm afraid my brain has been on over drive all week, and I'm sure it will be going again next week.

I did meet with the doctor that ran all those test a little while back, and it was so Awesome to walk outta his office feeling like someone finally got it. I can't even begin to tell you how great it felt! .....I've always wanted to write a book about my life~ and yet I've never known what the point of it was going to be.... until that day. I want to spread hope to those that are running out of it. It has taken me around 1o? years now to get where I'm at, and it's a good feeling:) I can't say there is hope for a cure, but at least I have someone else on my side now:)

I have been able to steal a little bit of time at night to work on the birdhouses.... and for the past 2 days I've been working on a barn birdhouse~ I can't wait till I get pictures up online to show you. Also found a new paint color that I have fallen in love with. It's called 'barn wood' by ....awee crap~ I can't think right now~ Folk Anyways, everything is getting painted with it lately, I just love it:) I've also managed to make some benches, and refinished a table~ with benches to go with it. So I've been busy! See how much work one can get done when the y don't spend all day surfing the net, lol.

Well.... Alrighty then. I'm at the library again...... getting ready to check out some more movies and books.... I've been ate up with home decorating lately... not my home of course, but thoughts of minis things I want to make.....

So, Until Next Time!
Enjoy your weekend!

Oh, and someone recently asked how I made my clay baskets... I just used my hands to make the coils:) That dang on extruder is too strong for me:)


  1. You are so right, sometimes life is just about that '70's or '80's phrase - Keep on Truckin'

  2. This is the kind of life affirming story that is great for the December holidays :). Katie, I am very very happy for you.

    I can't wait to see your birdhouses.

  3. I love to read your posts, katie and I am very happy about the last news.
    Lots of hugs

  4. So glad that you are having a good experience with a Doctor. It's so hard to find drs that acutally listen to their patients sometimes! Hope your holidays are happy and as healthy as can be! hugs, ara
