Thursday, March 3, 2011

New Garden Benches in Etsy

So..... A long time ago, I realized my love for magazine pictures meant I had to have space to store them. And generally it was only one or two pictures in the whole magazine that I wanted to be able to go back and look at. So..... I started cutting out the pictures and throwing the magazines away. Then, through the years I stared gluing them in a book. Then it became 2 books, then 3... and so on. Now I have a book for house ideas, recipes, clothing, art, gardening...... Yes! I have a lot of 'books'/binders now~ And could actually use a new one, but that's neither here nor there. Anyways..... I've been spending some time looking through them to get ideas on what else I wanted to build.... And these little benches keep popping up....

I've seen them in the garden....

I've seen them at the foot of a bed....

I've seen them in kitchens....

And I see them in real life. One of our neighbors has a bright yellow one on her front porch.
So, now I've made some in mini.......... I used dollhouse molding for the sides......... and as usual, it's been crackled and aged! ....and sealed with an acrylic sealer.
LOL- You believe I'm almost out of crackle medium- and I'm not over it yet, WOo-who!!

Until Next Time....

*Ohh wait.......Made some green signs last night that read Organic..... hopefully I can get them listed over the weekend....


  1. I've done that exact same thing since I was young Katie- except mine are in those old scrapbooks you could buy with the pages kind of like construction paper- and it's all glued in with rubber cement so sometimes when you look through the pages pictures fall out- lol! I love, love, love your new benches!! I've been watching for your churches to go on etsy- did I miss my chance already? have a super creative day!!!

  2. those benches are beautiful, Katie! you are a "craque" in the crackling.....LOL (craque here in Portugal means a professional, a master....)

  3. Nice benches! I am not surprised they were popping up ;D

  4. Hi Katie! Came over from Casey's your blog!

  5. These have such a beautiful aged look!

  6. There is so much to read here on your blog . You have made 21 posts while I was in India :):)!! But I am glad that I have read everyone of them :). I love all the minis you have made and the non-mini stories of your cats, your toys and how you knocked yourself against the fridge door! tee hee.

    Katie, I think you have made phenomenal strides in your creations.

    I really love that birdhouse I bought from you and I dare say it look really good in my house.
