Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I need Happy thoughts! ~Picture Heavy~

First Let me Thank everyone that left me a comment on my last post. You all always know how to put things into perspective!! So with that being said.... Bring on the Happy Pictures:)

I made a set of these purple birdhouses and thought I'd use one to show you my hydrangeas... I love how it blooms within the bloom!

We had another visitor this afternoon. These birdhouse were waiting in line to be photographed and when I looked over... I saw this guy.

I moved to the other side.... and he flew off.... In the next pic you can see his wings coming out.

Our Blackberries are starting to look really yummy. My poor kids wanted to eat one today.... but I told them they had to wait another day.... I'm thinking the ones that look ready are probably still a little sour.

My big roses are ready to bloom again. I love how the flowers remind me of dancers. This one has that 'arm stretched up in the air'.

Here's another new birdhouse... And one of my chairs from my personal collection.

And another birdhouse with some flowers that my son planted last year...

Later this week... I have a couple of these to list. They are the perfect size for minis!! I just have to take pictures of it 'in a scene'. These were game pieces that I found on Etsy.

I took a lot of pictures today..... Now I just need to list everything. But not today...... it's 'nap time' for me:)

Until next time....


  1. Katie,I want that blackberry! Now!

    Hugs from Tessie!

  2. Love to see your beautiful flowers!!!

  3. I find it so original, Katie, to nestle your little birdhouses among the beautiful flowers! Not only are you an accomplished miniaturist, you are also a pretty efficient gardener.
