Monday, July 25, 2011

After a little bit of paint....

It looks perfect:) But they were crumbling apart as I painted them:(

I love how they turned out, but I'm afraid I can't really do much with them... But I do think I want to try some in polymer clay....

...until next time...


  1. that's really too bad Katie :( Wonder if you gave them a coat of glue if they would still be usable :( I think you should make some out of polymer clay- they are terrific! They would make a really fun wall fountain too- in I'm thinking I want a slightly broken one in polymer clay to make a wall fountain out of! When you have time maybe I can order a little custom piece :)

  2. I like the slightly broken ones too, maybe you can avoid more damages with matte varnish? Maybe you can use self hardening (terracotta) clay in your (fantastic!) mould too? They will look so nice on a garden wall.
    Love, Susanne

  3. Katie, do you have any of this stuff left? I am wondering what would happen if you mixed some white glue in with it before molding. Maybe it would strengthen it enough that it wouldn't crumble. I do like the lions. Very nice.

  4. They do look really cool, sorry they're all crumbling :/ Definitely make some with polymer, I like Kim's idea about the wall fountain a lot, he's perfect for that!

  5. I echo the rest. Very beautifully painted Katie. You can always use these as practice pieces .

    Nothing is really gone to waste if they don't let them, right?

  6. Que fantastico trabajo, se ve muy real.
    besitos ascension

  7. I love the lion heads and yes, perfect for wall fountains. What do they say? ... if at first you don't succeed, try, try again. Hope you persevere with the polymer clay. Judith x

  8. It looks amazing!!! Katie, I'm always amazed by how you age everything so perfectly!!!!! =)
