Friday, July 1, 2011

I will never complain again!

I spent the whole day yesterday outside painting! And we've only got about 1/2 primed. I will never complain about painting a mini house again! My neck is sore... we won't even talk about my back... and I feel like I got hit in the stomach! LOL... I haven't done Anything this aerobic in years..... and I feel like I just got done with the biggest workout of my life. I'm really not complaining.... Actually if I hadn't of run out of paint.... I' be out there again today....

If you look at the pictures in the last post you can see that this top part was brown, too... Eventually it will be green..... one day.....

The porch was the worst... I spent the better part of the day looking up, painting the underneath of the roof. With a brush! What a dumb ass! I told the bf we might just have to buy some spray paint and paint the second coat like that.

I will say now that half is painted white... the part that is still unpainted is awful! We didn't realize it was that bad till you put it up against all the white paint, lol. The lady from the park came by yesterday to tell me it was looking good, and asked if I was going to paint. Then she told me 'You know you have to paint both sides!' .... really? I'm sorry but that was one of the stupidest things I've been told in a long time... You really think I'm only going to paint 1/2 my trailer?? OK. lol.....

Today.... I'm doing Nothing! The kids will be off this weekend to see their Dad's.... and I have a fish tank sitting on the porch with my name all over it:) Yup.... I went trash picking and found the perfect tank. I just love free trash! lol

Hope everyone has a safe weekend! Happy 4th!!

Until Next Time....


  1. OK Katie! The trailer is looking great!

    Now about the fish tank....Is it going to be for fish or minis. I have used ten gallon tanks for mini rooms several times with great success. I taught a class on how to build a kitchen in a ten gallon tank one time.They are fun to work with because you can actually light them from above with the regular aquarium light that fits the tank.

    Fish or minis???LOL

  2. Isn't it amazing what a coat of paint can do! You've been working really hard so enjoy your well earned day of rest!

  3. Wow that is a huge job! It really makes all the plants PoP, it will be worth it in the end Katie. Part of our (still ongoing) renovation was painting our patio ceiling too.. trust me I feel your pain there, that was no joke.

    Paint both sides? Why bother, you can barely see that part at all :p

  4. Your painting is well worth the effort. The white looks so nice.

    I can't believe how big your trailer is! Over here if you picture 'trailer' you imagine something you can hook up to the car and tow away - or maybe you have a supersize car as well! :)
