Monday, October 24, 2011

New signs.... and a med update...

I have bought a Lot of stamps lately.... too many to admit to actually..... but this little witch has got to be one of my favorites.

I can't remember where I had seen this phrase, but I knew I had to do it in mini.... and when I found the stamp, I thought it would make a cute sign- Now to find a home for it... Anyone building a witch's flying school? lol..... Neat idea, though, huh!

Just had to share these with you..... My youngest had brought one home in a milk carton and this is what they blossomed into...... so pretty! I love the rich colors of the fall!

BTW- Like my new backgrounds for my signs? It's new neighbor's walkway, lol..... I think it looks great against my 'old' signs!
I love the saying on this one......

Sorry, but before you get your hopes up, this one has already been sold...... But I can make more, but it might not be exactly like this one because I used the middle section of a big stamp to do this... I really like it, and wasn't surprised when it was one of the first signs to sell this afternoon:)

I gotta tell you..... When I went out to take the pictures, the sun was already past my yard, so I had to go across the street and use my neighbor's walkway.... And don't you know I can't go Anywhere without The Three Stooges following me... And I thought the kids were bad, lol....

... I don't think I told you yet... But do you remember me telling you about the little boy who lived across the street with leg cancer? Well.... after they took out his leg, replaced it with the rod, went through Chemo.... Went back to get checked out again and then they found out he had lung cancer. Well they removed that, went through Chemo again.... and guess what... He just went his first year being Cancer free:) And they just moved back in next door, temporally.... but it's nice to see them again every day! I miss hearing him yell... "Hi Drew's Mom!" :)

OK... You know I gotta go there..... It time for a med update.....

Last night was my recent up dose. I'm now taking 3 pills( 75mg) of Topiramate a night (don't think I've actually told you the name of the med before.) So My toes/feet/fingers/ and hands still go numb for random reasons and actually as I type my left foot is asleep. I find myself stomping my feet in the strangest of places- like in the grocery store- between my bagging issues and now my stomping issues, I know those people think I have lost my mind!). The night sweets(LOL, I had to leave that typo- to funny sweets, lol...meant to type sweats) are gone, but I'm getting hot flashes... and I'm having a hard time maintaining my body temp so I'm drinking lots of warm fluids. I'm still not hungry. I have begun my old regime of drinking nutritional drinks in the mornings again to maintain some kind of normal for my body. Not having too much of a problem with my IBS- but then again, I'm not really eating so there's nothing there to annoy me. And in the past few days I've noticed my heart rate increasing. I have SVT (Supraventricular tachycardia) anyways, and take meds daily, but if it gets worse or to a point where I think I need to call someone I will. I know how my 'Lemon' works, and I know when to push it and I know when to back off...... at this point, I'm still 'treading water'** The worst symptom is my mind and is still really messing with me. Now there's been a LOT of 'family' drama, so I can't tell if I'm just stressed or if I'm really losing it, but I've been on meds like this before and I'm kinda thinking that it's a combo of both. You know- Forgetting if I feed the cats or not- And they don't help- They always act like they're hungry! Or When you drive to the pharmacy and end up at the post office instead, but you normally catch yourself en route... well I'm not catching myself till I get to the post office and I'm sitting there trying to figure out wtf I'm doing at the post office..... go ahead, laugh... I do. I always do! Well.... I cry, too. This med just really has my head all screwed up, lol. Up down and all around. Damn it, It better be worth it! LOL...

**When I was a kid, I grew up next to a lake. We used to go swimming all the time, some days we'd swim from the time the sun came up, to the time the sun went down, and then there were the days we'd push our luck and wait for our parents to come yell at us to get out. But it wasn't till the other day that I realized that it was then that I learned how to Really tread water. Eventually you get to the other side:)

Did I tell you I had my one year anniversary with the store:) And I didn't go bankrupt, lol. One day.... I'll get around to having a blog giveaway to celebrate, but my real life just has me all hemmed up right now. So I might be giving away pumpkins for Christmas, but you guys will understand, right?! LOL

In case you didn't notice... this is why I'm not blogging.... I'm rambling..... so instead I'm working:) I'll be starting to work on Christmas signs here soon.... If I can ever get away from the Halloween signs... They are just so addicting..... SO when you get a chance- Come check out the store:)

Until Next Time...


  1. Hola Katie, esas flores es Cempasúchil
    Un abrazo

  2. Love the flying lessons sign. I just saw your signs on etsy, cute!

    Good about the neighbor boy, but sad for you with the meds. :(

    Keep treading!

  3. Awww Katie, I hope it's worth all the trouble in the end with the meds, you've certainly been in my thoughts. Stay stong Woman!

    It looks like your shop has had a pretty good year. I hope if nothing else, that it's paying for itself (I've no clue what listing fees are like)and that you enjoy having it.

  4. Hi! Katie , We have those flowers here too, in my mother´s house there was a lot of them, long time ago. Already one year??? Congratulations for the great success!!!
    hugs and kisses for you and all your family
    ps: I have a new blog just for my fabrics htp://

  5. I love the flying lesson sign also. That one is my fav. Good luck with the meds, no fun is this and I hope it is worth it also. YAY, one year for your store. Great job!! Hugs, LJ

  6. Olá querida,,venho te convidar para participar da festa que está acontecendo nesse momento no meu blog que está completando 4 aninhos. venha saborear deliciosos bolinhos e participar de um belo sorteio, a regrinha se encontra no final do post, querendo aparecer, será uma honra...Beijossss

  7. Take care, little Katie. Your work is excellent as always. Hang in there. Just take it one day at a time. If you think you're forgetting things, just write them down as you do them. Keeping you in my prayers. Do you remember what I once told you? That when certain people cause drama, to remember that they are wired as they are wired and that we cannot change them. To just accept them as they are and not be surprised when they behave as they do. It's the norm for them. Just expect it of them and you won't keep getting hurt all the time. You will become immune to their drama. This is how you protect yourself and your emotions.
