Friday, March 23, 2012

Just a quick update...

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever get back to that comfy point in my life where I used to blog everyday...This once a month stuff is just plain BS....I do right them in my head they just never make it to the computer. I know I still owe you some 'book reports'. But I wanted to drop off this pic. Hopefully over the weekend I'll have up some of my HOME houses. I made a few sets last night...even did a few tiny tiny house sets. Just have to sit down long enough to get them listed.

Life is really really crazy around here. I'm starting to come off my meds now. We will just say they did nothing for me but Ruin my life.... and All I was trying to do was 'save' it. Oh well. No more tears on that matter. I will have to stay on these meds for a while to let my body settle in on the low dose. I'm at half the dose I was taking before and I can already feel a difference. But my mind is still stupid-I cry all the time, and I still can't find a God Darn thing! But! I'll Keep Looking..... Maybe I put it in the walls? Anyways..... Hopefully my mind comes back. It is time to start over, and see where the next chapter takes us. I see the doctor next week, and then next month I see a new specialist that actually specialises in the disorder that I have- He's new to the area- and when I saw my heart doc the other day he was really excited for me to go see this new group. So..... like I said...a new chapter. A new life. Just in the same HOME.

Wish I could be more like the cats and just relax......

So..I'm going to finish watching 'The Quiet Man'
Until Next Time...

1 comment:

  1. Your HOME house is very cute.
    Hope you soon will feel better.
