Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Bath Salts

I was trying to find something else to make to go with all the blue bathroom stuff I made.... and I knew I needed some bath soaps, ect.... Then I got an idea:) Scary thought,

I took some Norton's Sea Salt (the one marked 'coarse') and some food coloring.... and I ended up with some beautiful Bath Salts. I put about a tablespoon of salt in a cup.. added one drop- then took about 2/3rds of it back out. I just used a spoon and scooped out the majority of the color so I could get some really pale colors. Mix and Ta- Da!!

I think it looks really good with the set:)


  1. Everything looks so lovely! I love your little bottles of bath salt!

  2. Ooh they are lovely and I love your little glass jars - havent' seen them that small :)

  3. A wonderful idea. Could use the salt, natural as it comes, for sugar candies.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Drora

  4. Thank you for the good idea with the salt. It looks very beautiful.
    Hugs from Craftland

  5. El conjunto se ve maravilloso. Me encanta el tarro de cristal.

  6. Very nice idea. I like the tray with the shells.
    Bye Faby

  7. Thanks for sharing this idea, Kathie! It all looks wonderful.
    Very shabby!
    Greetings, Ilona

  8. your ideas are always fantastic!!!!!!!!!!! your head is amazing Katie!
    lots of hugs
