Monday, February 25, 2013

Not a Good Start to the year..

I was hoping 2013 would be the year that things would start to look up..
Life keeps throwing me curve balls..
My JD is gone. He just didn't come home one day.
And I'm having a really hard time with it.. He was my familiar.. my soul kitty.
My Buddy!
One day I want to turn this picture into a painting...
Saturday night.. I got my right hand slammed in the front door... and not only broke my middle finger, but also ripped the end of it off... It was hanging on by my nail bed.. They were able to piece it back together.. but I have to meet with a hand specialist now, and they're saying that I'm going to need physical therapy to learn how to use that/those (three fingers got caught- but only one was destroyed) finger(s) again....
So... this means no custom work for awhile.. and no making minis.
This is going to drive me crazy!
I've cried..
I've gotten mad..
And I've laughed..
But all in all...
I'm just sad!
I will be listing items that I've already made in the store.. I love these new stacking signs.. I have 10 new beach ones to list as well... but this week is going to spent with the docs..
 There's also new signs in the store..
and new ones that will get listed soon..
And before I forget... I have a new email address..
you can find me at:
Until Next Time...


  1. Sorry to hear sbout all the bad things that has happened to you. I hope that they can fix your finger so you can use it again and keep on doing fantastic minis.

    By from Lil in Sweden

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your furpal. That is so sad. They say that cats know when something is not right and sometimes they go off like that to...... you know what I mean. And your poor hand. You're right things have not been going well. But look at the bright've been thru enough that things should start looking up again. Maybe while you're healing you can use this time to put on your thinking cap and jot down new ideas. I hope you heal quickly! Sending good vibes your way! Carolyn207 acioiu

  3. Oh my gosh Katie :( I hope you heal up fast and that recovery goes smoothly. Big Hugs

  4. Im sorry that happened to you and I feel bad because you lost your furbaby. I know I would be frantic if I lost my Claudette..she may show up ..cats are like that they like to roam and have no sense of time.


  5. Oh, my! :[ That is a bad start to the year. Sending you positive thoughts and wishes for a quick recovery. Hugs!

  6. oh Katie :( With all you handle with cheerfulness and a smile this is just not right. I know how much making minis is an escape for you from other things- my heart is breaking and I have tears in my eyes. I'm sending you love- for your fingers and for JD. ♥♥♥

  7. I hop that JD one day will come home!
    Wish you well with your finger.

  8. Katie I am truly sorry to hear about your disastrous start to the year! I am keeping you & JD in my thoughts & prayers & hoping that he finds his was back home to you (the way some cats do) & that all this worry about him becomes like some bad, far off dream.
    As for your poor hand, OMG how awful! Take this time to heal & get well again & know that I am sending you hugs & LOTS of good wishes!
    God bless. x

  9. It sounds like a very tough game. Both your cat and your hand. It is good that you have your miniature hobby, it might be your motivation when you need to retrain.
    I wish you lots of positive energy and I hope you will soon be creative again.

  10. Dear Katie, I'm so very sorry about your dear cat. I can imagine how you must be hurting. Perhaps there's a chance that he might come back. Don't give up hope. As for your hand, what a terrible accident. You'll just have to gather up your courage and take it one day at a time. Not trying to preach here, just trying to stand by you, you know. That's what I do when things sometimes get tough. Life is not always easy although it seems to me you've had your fair share of hard times. Take care!

  11. Not a good week at all, hope your cat comes back. Thinking of you.

  12. So sorry to hear you've been in the war, hope you're on the mend very soon!

    I've included you lovely eye chart in a blog post tonight, hope you like it.

    Mini love from across the pond!
    Kat x

  13. Katie, siento mucho la perdida de tu gato, yo tengo dos y me imagino que lo debes estar pasando muy mal, y ademas el problema de tu mano, confia en los medicos y ten paciencia, espero que te recuperes muy pronto,un beso desde España.

  14. What terrible news, losing JD, I really sympathise with you, it is difficult not knowing what happened. I've had that experience twice and I still wonder, but prefer to think they found somewhere nice they wanted to stay. It is a beautiful photo.
    And disaster, damaging your hand. I hope all goes well with the treatment and you get back full use of your fingers. The rest of the year has to improve I am certain. Hang in there.

  15. oh! Katie, that´s terrible! I really hope you get better of your hand and fingers, I can imagine how you are feeling, if something like that happen to me.
    A great hug from Lisbon, with lots of positive energy!!!!
