Friday, January 31, 2014

Ready for Spring!!

Well Hello there:) Thought Id stop by and say hello... It's been awhile! Not much new here... Still trying to put 2013 behind me and move on:) 

I have been doing a little work here and there, but to be honest, it is just too darn cold to do much of anything! I can't wait for spring:)

I have been making a collection of paper items. I've actually been working on the tubs for months- they need so many coats of paint to make them feel sturdy, that I got bored and put them up for a long time... I've also found that using thicker paper helps- duh! The first batch I did in Vintage White and made them look older by making my rust spots bigger... At least in my mind they look older:)
I've always had a passion for these pitchers.. Even have my own collection in the real life of ceramic ones:) These are listed in my store.. And I have single ones that I can list. 
The tubs I'm still photographing and will get listed one day- as always if your interested, feel free to email me and we can talk:)
I love how they stack:)
And I still have a box full to paint:) I'm thinking pastel colors for Spring? 

Hope everyone is enjoying the New Year! 
Until Next Time:)
(I'll try not to stay gone as long next time, lol)


  1. Looking good, Katie! Love the rust!

  2. Oh my word they are divine! Your work is amazing, I'm now following! I saw in your earlier post you've not been well and therefore lost your mojo. It's not the same thing but I have m.e and am housebound virtually and not feeling 'normal' gets you down like nothing else. At least you can make gorgeous things when you feel like it . I'm going to go back to the beginning and read everything! Hope you find your mojo soon! Much love Freya xxx
