Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Scrapbook Stickers

Look at what my Mom sent!! She cleaned up her sewing/craft room this weekend, and found some scrap-booking stickers that she thought would be cute in the dollhouse!! I have to agree, they're very cute!! She sent the Candyland Game!! It even has game pieces and a box....

And the game of Life and Monopoly!! I can't wait to get them out and set them up!!

Click on that last picture to make it bigger so you can see all the details!! They're really cool!! :)

And look at this set for the kitchen!!
And this last set for the sewing room....

She even sent these little Easter things....
I love it when she cleans...We always get the neatest things:)!! Thanks Mom!!


  1. What a sweet score Katie! I really love the mini games. How great are they?! Little games like that are perfect for your dollhouses. I also think if they were coated in something they would make some pretty fun jewelry. Have fun setting up your new toys!

  2. I never find anything that awesome when looking through the scrapbook stuff. Those are great finds.

  3. Your mom has an amazing eye for minis! :D
