Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Once upon a time.....

I lived in this house in Scotland. I was a toddler at the time, so I don't remember anything except that the upstairs attic was haunted and there were ghosts that danced all night in there...You could even hear the music playing some nights!

I love the masonry work on this house!! You should be able to pull the picture up bigger to take a closer look. So glad I hung on to these pictures all these years!

when we lived in Wales, I rode this horse (named Friday) in a show (actually, in a lot of shows), and won a clear round ribbon. I have other ribbons around here, too....Just no pictures.....These pics I borrowed from Mom and I had to promise to send them back to her after I scanned them, lol!! Wish I could find a picture of me riding Trigger, the black Shetland that was my Favorite!! I sure do miss riding!!!
OK....Thought you'd enjoy a quick glimpse into my past.... I know I have:)
Until next time.......


  1. Katie!! How lovely! It looks like a dream! And dancing ghosts sounds like they would probably be nice - haha!! Are you planning on making it in miniature?

  2. I also love to see old pictures about my childhood!
    You look very "professional" in the horse jumping show :):):)

  3. Ara, I'd love to do it in miniature...but it would be Big!! LOL. I have done, or should I say started a collage of it...but I can't seem to put my fingers on it right now, Haha! I would like to use some of that stone work in a future house though:)!!

    Haha Ana~ I was so proud:) And I think I was 5 or so...I was really tall for my age:)

  4. Oh wow, how cool. Look at you go! *claps* What a stunning horse, they are such awesome animals.

    You don't see much architecture like that over here, too bad really. Building has so much more character.

  5. You had a nice form as you were going over the jump and you sure looked proud of that ribbon. How nice to see pictures of the past.

  6. Katie, what a lovely trip down memory lane. It's good that you keep your ribbons around and take the time to remember :).

  7. Great pics Katie! What an amazing house to have lived in!
