Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cat pics....

Yes, I'm late as usual.....funny thing is in real life, I'm normally the one who's there first. I hate being late! So......

My excuse is I spent the morning at the neighbor's house making Christmas cookies. In case you missed one of my previous posts....My neighbor's son Lane has cancer. He had his leg replaced with a rod right before Thanksgiving....and goes back to Duke tomorrow to have his staples removed. Poor kid has them from the top of his foot all the way up his leg. (Looks likes yours Debbie:)) It was his dog that ran off......and him and the dog were curled up on the couch watching cartoons today. (LMAO....that's when the dog wasn't on the floor humping their cat...still don't understand dogs, they sure are strange creatures...))) They also got a new puppy, so it was interesting to watch everyone play.

It rained all morning, so I still haven't got good pictures to show you of what Chris sent.....But I do have lots of cats photos to share.......

First we have Otis curled up in Drew's lap......with Fred under neath....see her tail, it's black?! You can also see part of her black ear.
See, there she is.....she said she had to breathe!
And here's my oldest kitty sleeping in the bread basket on top of my bread....Nice!
And here's Sphinx....he found a piece of plastic bag, and kept getting it stuck on his nose when he would breath's right in front of him on the he was spitting it out, It was so freakin' funny!!!!!

And one last pic of Fred.....sitting where she sits best! Daddy can't prop his feet up anywhere without her sitting on top.
...well...I think I'm ready for a cookie now, ready to sit down and relax......and ready to possibly take a nap.........
Until Next Time.....


  1. oh how I wish I could cuddle Fred- don't tell Otis! MMMMMM cookies!!! Your house is like mine- the cats are the rulers and they just let us live there too :)

  2. Katie, you are dangerously close to becoming "Cat Woman". No. Strike that. Make it "cat lady"....You know what I mean.ROFLOL

  3. I'm playing catch up!

    The kitties are adorable, the poor little one under the other! ;)

    So sorry to hear about your neighbors son, my my. :(

    Glad the dog is back at home.

    And, the living room furniture looks fabulous, great job! :)

  4. Your kitties are just so cute! I love the photos of Fred and Otis!
    That one of Sphinx and the bag is hilarious!

  5. Otis you silly boy, oh well at least Fred has a heated blankie
