Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I did a happy dance today....lol!

What a great week so far....bear with me here, OK?!

Choopy, my neighbor's dog came back.....or should I say that the doggie police picked him up (one city over, mind you!), and after a short stay in the big house, he is now happy to be at home!

My oldest Drew will celebrate his 14th birthday this week! I must tell you...time has gone by soooo quickly! They tell you it does, but you just don't realize it till your little man comes home from school one day and tells you he got his official hug! I am so proud he is taking it slower than I did! I felt the need to take on the world at the age....and we'll just say, that Drew is happy to kick back and enjoy each day at a time! AND.....GET THIS!!! This is really exciting to us!!! He went to the allergy doctor today and found out that he is DONE with allergy shots!! Woo-Who!!! He's been getting them every week for over 5 years now.......and with in the past year, we were able to go to every 2 weeks, then every 3...and now....NO MORE!!! I think I'm more excited than he is, ....he's just glad to be done with it!!!! I am so proud of him for putting up with this, and trusting us when we said it would make a difference! For real, for real!!! I am proud of you Buddy!!! Very Proud!!

On the mini front......I haven't made anything...but I did put a few things that I have into MarshMallow Manor to get a feel for what I still want. I've got lots of ideas.....just need to get my butt in gear!

Here's a pic for Nikki....If you haven't checked out her Christmas ornaments http://nikkinikkinikki72.blogspot.com/2009/12/pudding-and-falling-in-love.html ...you should! As soon as I saw them, I thought of my childhood and how I used to draw these Christmas puddings All the time. I grew up in Wales....and we had these school work books that we keep everything in, and everything often included drawings....What?? I think they're cute......and I was probably 4 or 5. Glad I still have stuff like this.....

and this. Here's 2 newspaper clippings from Wales.....One is from Saint David's Day......and the other is from a fund raiser walk........Ladies~ What is Saint David's Day, and do you still dress your girls up like this for it....It has been a long, long, time and I have forgotten why were dressed like this...and the kids always ask when I bring out this pic....Must of been in the spring, cause I also remember having daffodils around this time, too?!

And while I thinking about it...any one else having a problem when opening up other blogs from my page? Everytime I open up some elses blog, it throws me off line....And all I want to do is read your blogs!! Just wonderin gif anyone else is having this problem...or is it just me??? Dang on computers!!!!

So......I still have a post to do about what Chris from Candid Canine sent me! There's lots of little goodies to keep me busy! And I've got a few pics for a cat post!! Aren't you excited?! LOL

...so until next time.......


  1. ah Katie- I think prayer does work. I have been asking and asking for that dog to come home! This news made my entire day!! LOVE the drawings!! You were talented from the start! The marshmallow manor is so dang cute- but most of alllllll- I can't wait for kitty pictures!!!

  2. Glad to hear that your boy no longer needs to have shots. How I hate needles.
    Katie they still dress up on St David's day in Wales. Here's a link for you:-
    Love your drawings of the Christmas Puddings.. xxx

  3. yay Choopy is home. It's so horrid when your pet is missing. I'm sure they're very happy to see his wagging butt :p

    Congrats to Drew, I'm not much of a needle fan myself and not having to mess with this must be a relief.

  4. Glad your son is done! did they find he was allergic to something specific? (don't say cats. ha!)
    hey cute drawings... how cute would those be scanned and made into little drawing books! I made some photo books too, made one of a friend's new baby. I'll have to do another and take pix; I might do mine different than yours. (tho you nudged me!) ha!

  5. Thanks Kim! The family is in heaven with their baby home!

    Thanks Debbie....I don't know why I didn't think to look there..... :)

    Hi April...When we first started taking him for his shots, it would take 4/5 of us to hold him down just so they could stick him, he really gave those nurses a work out!! Neat thing is, is most of the same nurses that were there so long ago...are still there today, so All of us were really glad to know we were done! Drew's a big guy now...I couldn't imagine even trying to hold him down now....

    And Chris....allergy shots are made up of the stuff your allergic too. You build up your immunities with it....And Drew was allergic to everything other than cats:) He had to skip the last cycle of them because everytime we'd try it, he'd go into anafalatic(spelling?) shock. We've had a lot of rough days, but over all it was so worth it...when he was little he was in the ER constantly....And now I couldn't tell you the last time he was there for that. He'll still continue to take allergy meds, but for now, all is a lot better than it once was! :)

