Monday, May 2, 2011

The International Sand Trade

Awhile back.... I had talked about doing a sand trade. I'm not really sure how to go about doing it, so if anyone has any suggestions, I will glady listen:) But I would also like to know if anyone is interested??

At the end of summer, my family is going to be staying at a beach house in North Carolina, and I plan on getting sand from there, too.... So there is No rush here... And don't stress if your not near a beach and want to be a part of this... I'm sure there's something around you that you can collect a 'sample' from.... lake, river, dirt... a playground...

After I brought it up the first time..... Sans sent me some sand from a playground in Singapore... and some sand from the beach in Sir Lanka... I put them in a couple of bottles, and put some labels on them.... and I still have 2 whole bags of sand left:) My labels are starting to come off... so I need to figure out a better way to do that... But I still love them:) Thanks again Sans!!!

And then this past weekend, my parents came down and stayed at the ocean front... so while the kids were dipping their toes in the water (Why is it when you tell your kids the water is too cold to go swimming, they never believe you.... Until they get in the water, lol... Mine lasted 5 minutes, before they were back out, shivering mind you, asking if they could go swimming in the hotel pool instead..Duh!) .... I was bent over, searching for the tiniest shells I could find:) And this is what I did with them.... Each jar has some sand... and some tiny, tiny shells...

I still can't believe how freaking small some of the shells we found were, my youngest even found some:)

And.... I still have a whole bag of sand... and more shells:) I even found some odd pieces... a tiny green bear, the top to one of those safety pins that you use for cloth diapers... And my Dad found a Barbie:) The kids brought it back to me for parts:) LOL

oh... and Cora found a big rock.... Which I put in my purse.... Later in the day, I had asked my bf to hand me my purse, and he said... 'My god, what do you have in here, Bricks?' .....took me a minute to realize I still had the rock in

Do you see how tiny these shells are?! Perfect for miniatures!

So.... anyone interested in trading sand?? If a couple of people are... I will find a way for everyone to get sand from everyone that participates.

And while I'm talking about Virginia Beach.... I got an interesting email this morning:)

Do you remember the post about the murals.. the kind of mural I want on the side of the skateshop... Well, I got an email from one of the artists today. He just wanted to thank me for the post and sent me a link to his website where there are better pictures. I was so shocked that he emailed me:) His work is just amazing! If you get a chance, you should check it out:)

Well, I think I've included everything..... Except for plugging my Etsy store:) You will see some beachy themed things going up due to the fact that summer is almost here..... Hopefully this year, I can actually go the the beach and enjoy it!!

So..... Until Next Time.....


  1. I feel so silly! I went to the beach yesterday and completely forgot to get any sand! I found miniatures and lovely driftwood, though. I must get to writing about it on my blog! :-)

    The sand trade sounds interesting! You've always got good ideas!

  2. Preciosos. me encanta.
    Creo que ahora eso de la conchas se ha puesto de moda.

  3. What a neat idea! I hadn't realized before what the sand trade was I wonder if I would be able to get sand from Puerto Rico to participate? =) I think it's pretty cool, and having it all displayed in little jars is great! So beachy. I love it. =D

    Those shells are so tiny! Unbelievable!!! =)

  4. Katie what a great idea!!!
    I would love to swap some sand (or how does one call it? 'sweep some sand'? lol) from Greece with you :)
    I went to Santorini in 2005 and as a souvenir I bought a small glass with a very little of all kinds of sand types that are findable at Santorini (vulcan Island). To me it was the greatest souvenir ever! :)

    Hugs Jollie

  5. Hi Katie!!!! I loved this post!
    If you want I can send you some sand of a Portuguese beach, near Lisbon...
    Thank you for your lovely words in my blog about my tabel, your opinion is very important to me.
    Love from Lisbon

  6. Dear Kathi
    I have a little rose colored mussel (1 cm) with a collection of tiny (2-3 mm) shells for you (look at under Decor for a picture, I can add sand too, if you like ;-)The sand from the westside of Denmark (the northsea) is very very fine and white - and from some of the eastern parts, it is a little more rough with tones of grey also.
    Love, Susanne

  7. Swapping sand sounds like fun!!!
    I still have a little jar with South-African sand wich I collected when I was there in 1996.

  8. Wow! I must come back again dear Katie to finish up on ALLLLLL your posts that I have missed in the past 2 weeks!

    It's 12.30am now and I have a long day tomorrow. I will be back to read more about sandy sans :).
