Just a few pics of the kitties....
Otis does this when we're being too loud, hehehe.....

Now see.....I told you Holly(Ginger) found a great family! What better place to nap than on a big fluffy pillow in front of the fire!! She looks so cozy, doesn't she!

And here's what snack time looks like around here....Mind you there's 2 not pictured. Starting with the kitty at the bottom, we have Sphinx, then T-boy (Short for Tabby Boy), then there's Fred~ who eats as much as the rest do.....Then there's Bella......and Last but not least is Pocus~ our oldest kitty...She'll be 11 this Halloween.

I think it's cute how Sphinx keeps Bella company.....And of course Fred had to come see what was going on~ He's very nosey!
And here's my little girl, Bella, all tuckered out. Took her to the vet this afternoon, and they agreed that everything looked good! And in about 2 weeks, they'll take out her staples and she'll finally get to lose the E-collar!! Now if I could just get her to go the bathroom.....

Me and the bf even made our way out to animal control today to go check on Rufus. The bf was starting to worry me to death about something 'bad' happening to him, so it was nice to be able to show him that he was OK. Rufus was very happy to see us, and it brought tears to my eyes seeing him locked in a cage. He's a roamer....which I know isn't ideal for 'city' cats, but it is what it is. I'm not the only person on the block that feeds him, and now that I'm talking about it....I did see the other cat lady earlier this afternoon, and was able to tell her he was OK. She calls him Garfield, and was really worried since she hadn't seen him since Friday. I told her that I should be able to go pick him up Thursday, and that he was doing good! I know he'll be soooo happy to come back home, And officially be ours:)
Oh......Otis weighed 15.6lbs at the vet last week.......but Rufus, Rufus weighs 20 pounds!!! Talk about a Big Dude!!! And he's mostly muscle! Just thought you'd like to know.....
So...see.....there is light at the end of the tunnel:)
Thanks for all the kind comments, it's nice to know that there's other people out there that have a special spot in their hearts for these kitties, too! And that I'm not boring anyone with "more Cat Pictures", LOL!!!
Until Next Time..........