But some time between last night and this morning.... They've all broke apart. I'm thinking a certain orange fella had something to do with this.... but it was really upsetting to see everything chipped apart..... I even made a few planters... All but one survived. On the right of this picture.... You can see the molds I using.... They're full of clay right now.... Drying...... Hopefully these won't break. I'm thinking I can still do something with the broken ones..... Just have to think about it....
I also painted another column.... to replace the Bright white one that was in here before.
I started with several layers of red paint..... but after my first set of pictures, I realized it was too bright..... So I added a few layers of watered down brown, then black and brown... then added green to what was left of the wash and used that for the last layer. I like it a lot better now... And once I get one of my torso's one the wall, it will balance itself out:) I hope.
I found some more odds and ends to put in here.... Jody's peaches are on the end table... and her books are in the chair... I brought the tin birdhouse out (it's sitting on the stool) but there's No silver in this room, so I'm thinking it might go back in The Painted Lady. I'm trying to stick to a color scheme- and have been pulling my colors from the fabric in the chair. Lots of reds, coppers, oranges, yellows, and blues... The greens will be in all the plants that will one day get made....
I use this glass house as a book end to keep my bills from falling off my desk- And the other day I found one of my favorite pictures and had set it back here to remind myself to do something with it..... Any guesses as to who they are??
And if that freakin weatherman says it going to HOT one more time.... I'm going poke him in the eye.... DUH! We know it's freakin hot.....
....Until Next Time....
ah- I'm looking at those broken lion heads and thinking how fun it would be to do a garden scene with plants that are really overgrown and wild looking and broken pottery peeking through here and there in the plants. I need to start writing some of these ideas down for when I have time to mini again!! Jody's peaches look so wonderful there just waiting to be eaten- makes me want to shrink down, grab that book and take a rest :)
They are breaking apart because the clay is too thick. Those are stress cracks, outside shrinking over wet interior and breaking because it has to move somewhere.
Hollow out the backside to get an even thickness.
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