I spent the afternoon yesterday, burning tea-lights and hand dipping candles. LOL, I know, I could of found an easier way to do this, however, I have (lol, had...)an abundance of tea lights, so I thought I'd put them to good use. So.....here's the view from my lap, You know my helper is always close by!! I still don't understand how he made it through it with all his whiskers, but he did.....He's just too nosey!!
Any guesses as to what those little balls in the next picture are??? I'll give you a hint....It's rolled up moss in candle wax.........And there is a point to it, but I'm not going to tell you just yet.......I wanna figure out what I did with my book first, don't want to be giving ya'll any wrong information!! LOL So, for now, take a wild guess! :) Oh.....I also borrowed a few of the kids crayons and added some to the wax to get the different colors~ there's dark orange and black in my next batch. More pictures to follow later.....